Registration Information
What You Need To Register
We are asking parents/guardians to register their children now for the upcoming school year using ParentVUE. The student information system can be accessed by computer, mobile phone, or tablet. If your device has a camera, you can upload photos of required documents such as proof of residency.
Please be sure to register all children at the same time.
Agendas & ID's
Student IDs are required for:
Bus, Cafeteria and Library access. Without an ID, students will not have access to these resources. Lost, damaged, or defaced ID's must be promptly replaced. Student IDs are available in the office for purchase in the amount of $5.00.
Students may participate in Community Service in lieu of paying $5.00 to replace an ID.
Agenda (Student Planner) Policy
The student agenda serves many important purposes at Wilson Middle School. It is a tool to help each child organize their daily assignments (classroom and homework), monitor school behaviors. The agenda is also a good way for parents and teachers to communicate with each other. For these reasons, it is MANDATORY that each student have their agenda in their possession at all times.
If a student loses their agenda, he/she will be required to purchase a replacement from the office for $5.00. Students may participate in Community Service in lieu of paying $5.00 for a replacement.
Athletic Physicals
In order to participate in any athletic program students must have a current physical on file, prior to tryouts. Physicals are good for one year and must be dated after April 1 of the previous school year. You can obtain the form needed to be filled out by your physician on the Athletic Forms page.